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Amazon Web Services Training in Bangalore

We have built careers of hundreds of AWS architects with 100% job assistance in various Companies. “Training to Job Placement” – is our vision.

1 Months - Intensive Training By Real Time Experts

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Why AWS in Huddle Rise?

If you are planing to set you career as a cloud architect, then you are at the right place. Huddle Rise is considered to be one of the Best AWS Online Training in Bangalore India.

Highly Rated AWS Training Institute

Since we are deleving a good quality of subject that helps us to rate us high in google about 4.8/5

ISO Standard Certification

Huddle Rise will provide you an iso standard certification for the one who completed course in our institution

24/7 Technical Support

Providing 24/7 coading support that will helps students to clarify their doubts at any period of time

Job Assistance

With Grate quality of our AWS Training every student can capable of getting a job easily and quickly

Job Assistance

Resume Building

We will Help you to Build your resume efficiantly by Industry experts This will make you to land in your desired Job

Real Time Projects

Dealing with real time projects which will makes you ready as experianced Cloud architect

Mock Interviews

Helps candiates to know about their skills on Perticular subject and getting interview tips

Be a cloud architect

Start your work with your desired job through placements that we offer to you

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Syllabus >>>

What is Cloud Computing

Service Models in Cloud computing

Introduction to AWS

AWS Architecture and Terminology

AWS Core infrastructure and Services

Benefits of AWS cloud computing

IAM Essentials

IAM Best Practices For New Accounts

API Keys And Roles & IAM Popcies

Creating Customer Managed Popcies

AWS S3 Essentials

S3 Permissions

S3 Bucket/Object Versioning And pfecycle Popcies

Website Hosting With S3 & Standard - Infrequently Accessed

Reduced Redundancy

Amazon Glacier

Different EBS Volume Types

General Purpose SSD & Provisioned IOPS

Creating Snapshots (Backups)

Restoring From Snapshots

Resizing Volumes

Securing EBS volumes

Different EBS Volume Types

General Purpose SSD & Provisioned IOPS

Creating Snapshots (Backups)

Restoring From Snapshots

Resizing Volumes

Securing EBS

EC2 Essentials

Selecting And Building EC2 Instances

EBS Volumes And Snapshots

Working With Pubpc And Private IP Addresses

Cloud-init User data And Metadata

Security Groups

Cloud Watch And EC2

Task Definition

Security Groups

Cloud Watch And EC2

RDS Essentials

Working With RDS &Subnet Groups

RDS Security Groups And Connecting To RDS From EC2

Introduction To VPC And AWS Networking

Building A VPC From Scratch

VPC Networking & VPC Security -NACL

Configuring A NAT Instance

VPN Configuration with AWS (OpenVPN)

VPC Flow Logs

Working With Amazon Machine Images (AMI's)

ELB With High Availabipty Hands On

Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues

Applying Auto Scapng And ELB To Create High Availabipty And Fault Tolerance

Auto Scapng Group

Launch Configuration & Step Simple Scapng

pfecycle Hooks & Scheduled Scapng

Cloud Front Essentials

Architecting Apppcations With Cloud Front

Performance Considerations With Cloud Front

Route53 and DNS Failover & DNS Records overview

Hosting sample Website and configuring Popcies

Simple Routing Popcy & Latency Based Routing

Different Metrics, Monitoring

Amazon SNS & SQS

SNS Essentials

Topics & Subscription

Notification & apppcation

Configuration of AWS Cp

Creating EC2 using AWS Cp

IAM using AWS Cp & S3 using AWS Cp

Cloud formation templates

Complete resources & explanation with sample templates

AWS Lambda (Server less Architecture)

Cloud project using Amazon Resources

Preparation for “Amazon Certified Solution Architect – Associate Level “exam

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Data Science Training In Marathahalli


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